Monthly Archives: January 2015

Staying Healthy After a Hip Scope

I’ve been asked lately if I could share some tips for staying healthy and injury free after a hip scope – in my case, two hip scopes. Let me offer these three useful words: Moderation. Variety. Vigilance. Since my arthroscopic surgeries to repair pincer impingements and labrum tears in 2011

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Posted in Core Strengthening, Cross Training, Hip Labral Tears, My Story, Physical Therapy, Running

Welcoming 2015

Here’s to a healthy and injury-free next 12 months! And thanks for reading.

Posted in Uncategorized


Most athletes have experienced a “second wind,” that jolt of energy and strength that allows us, enervated and dispirited, to carry on. But sometimes our bodies cannot recover on their own – we need outside help so we can catch our “third wind.”
