Walking With Crutches Revisited

Exactly two years ago — and one week after my first arthroscopic hip surgery, on my left side — I posted this amateur how-to video on the proper way of maneuvering around with crutches after arthroscopic hip surgery. It was actually created for a grad school class I was taking at the time, but it’s gotten a fair number of views on YouTube. Maybe it might help someone today about to undergo a hip scope. (I watched it again myself after my second surgery five months later, and cringed a little at how awful I looked.)

The technique I used was from the physical therapists at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, where I had both hip scopes done. You can also read the directions here.


Posted in Hip Labral Tears, My Story, Physical Therapy

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Most athletes have experienced a “second wind,” that jolt of energy and strength that allows us, enervated and dispirited, to carry on. But sometimes our bodies cannot recover on their own – we need outside help so we can catch our “third wind.”
